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The Hinterlander

Photography, Videography

In my spare time I love traveling to a new corner of the world, taking as many landscape photos as I can when passing through.


This page is probably self explanatory, but I am always drawn to the mountains and pine forests and aim for at least one of my holidays a year to be based around exploring places like Iceland, Switzerland, The Scottish Highlands etc.

I even finally got my first tattoo and it's fully devoted to mountains and pines.

My favourite word is Hinterlands. It means a remote area of nature, lying beyond what is visible or known. This is why i named my landscape photography account on Instagram The Hinterlander.

Below is a collection of some of my photos, drone footage.

You can see more over on my landscape instagram account: The Hinterlander

The Old Man of Storr

The Old Man of Storr, in the Scottish Highlands has been on my bucket list for years now, it was amazing to finally see it in person. It was easily 4x bigger than I expected it to be. I highly recommend the hike up to it to anyone visiting the Isle of Skye.

Below is some drone footage I filmed and edited, best with sound on and in 4K.

The Scottish Highlands

A collection of some of my photographs from my trip to The Scottish Highlands.


A collection of some of my photographs from my trip to Switzerland.


A collection of some of my photographs from my trip to Iceland.

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